List of third-party SDK

Wefun will also use the following SDK technologies when providing services to users. When you view webpages created by third parties or use applications developed by third parties, these third parties may put their own cookies or use other technical means. These cookies or other technical means are not under our control, and their use is not subject to this policy. In order to ensure your information security to the greatest extent, we recommend that you check the privacy terms of any third-party SDK service before using it. In order to protect your legitimate rights and interests, if you find that there are risks in such SDK or other similar applications, we suggest that you immediately stop relevant operations and contact us in time.

In order to provide you with more services, continuously optimize the stability of our services, improve service quality or upgrade related functions, we may adjust the third-party SDK we access and update the SDK directory. We will strictly abide by relevant laws, regulations and regulatory requirements, and evaluate the legality, legitimacy and necessity of third-party SDK to collect your personal information before accessing SDK, so as to protect your personal information. You can view the data usage and protection rules of third parties through related links. Please note that the third-party SDK may change its personal information processing type due to version upgrade, policy adjustment and other reasons. Please refer to its official description. The following is the specific information of the third-party SDK:

First, the list of Android third-party SDK

Third party name: AndroidX Core KTX

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: To expand the core library of Android and provide more convenient Kotlin syntax support.

Usage scenario: improve the simplicity and readability of the code and support the development of the core functions of the application.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: AndroidX Annotation

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: To provide annotation tools to support code quality improvement and compile-time checking.

Usage scenario: mark code specification, prompt non-null, scope limitation, etc.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: AndroidX Work Runtime KTX

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: Support task scheduling and background work management.

Usage scenario: realize functions such as timing task and background synchronization in the application.

Sharing mode: local management, limited data interaction with service providers when necessary.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: AndroidX Navigation Fragment KTX

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: to support Kotlin extension of navigation architecture components.

Usage scenario: realize page navigation and management in application

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: AndroidX Navigation UI KTX

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: Support UI operation extension of navigation architecture.

Usage scenario: realize the automatic processing of UI components such as navigation bar and menu.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: AndroidX Room KTX

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: to support Kotlin extension of Room database.

Usage scenario: manage local database and simplify query and transaction operation.

Sharing mode: local storage, no need to share data with service providers.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: AndroidX Room Compiler

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: to provide compile-time annotation processing for the Room database.

Usage scenario: generate database access code to simplify the development process.

Sharing mode: local processing, no need to share data with service providers.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: AndroidX Room Runtime

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: to provide runtime support for the Room database.

Usage scenario: local persistent storage and data management

Sharing mode: local storage, no need to share data with service providers.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: AndroidX Lifecycle ViewModel KTX

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: to support Kotlin extension of ViewModel.

Usage scenario: realize page state management and data storage

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Name of the third party: AndroidX Lifecycle LiveData KTX

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: to support Kotlin extension of LiveData.

Usage scenario: realize the observation and response of data changes

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: AndroidX Lifecycle Runtime KTX

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: Kotlin extension supporting life cycle management.

Usage scenario: realize the management of lifecycle-aware components

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: AndroidX Lifecycle Common Java8

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: to support the life cycle components of Java 8 features.

Usage scenario: improve the convenience of component development and life cycle management

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: AndroidX DataStore Preferences

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: Support lightweight key-value pair storage.

Usage scenario: managing local configuration data instead of SharedPreferences

Sharing mode: local storage, no need to share data with service providers.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: androidxddatastore

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: To provide efficient local data storage tools.

Usage scenario: managing application configuration and user data

Sharing mode: local storage, no need to share data with service providers.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: AndroidX ConstraintLayout

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: to support flexible and efficient layout management.

Usage scenario: designing complex UI layout

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: AndroidX Legacy Support v4

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: To provide compatibility support for the old support library.

Usage scenario: compatibility guarantee when migrating old applications to AndroidX architecture

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: AndroidX ViewPager2

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: Support the function of sliding page switching.

Usage scenario: realize multi-page view and interaction

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: AndroidX AppCompat

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: Support backward-compatible UI components and themes.

Usage scenario: Improve the compatibility of applications on the old Android system.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: AndroidX RecyclerView

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: Support high-performance list and grid layout.

Usage scenario: realize efficient scrolling content display

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: AndroidX CoordinatorLayout

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: to support the coordination of interaction between child views.

Use scenarios: to achieve complex UI layout and animation effects.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: AndroidX CardView

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: To provide a card-style view component.

Usage scenario: realize the layout design of card UI.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third Party Name: AndroidX GridLayout

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: Support grid layout management.

Usage Scenario: Realizing the UI Layout Design Based on Grid

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: AndroidX PercentLayout

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: to provide percentage-based layout support.

Usage scenario: implementing responsive UI layout design

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third Party Name: AndroidX Palette

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: to extract the main color in the picture.

Usage scenario: designing UI elements with dynamic color matching.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: AndroidX Activity KTX

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: to support Kotlin extension of Activity.

Usage scenario: simplify the development process of Activity

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Name of the third party: AndroidX Fragment KTX

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: to support Kotlin extension of Fragment.

Usage scenario: Simplify the development and management of Fragment

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: AndroidX DynamicAnimation

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: To provide support for physical dynamics animation.

Use the scene: to achieve a smooth UI animation effect

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Name of the third party: AndroidX AsyncLayoutInflater

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: Load layout asynchronously to improve performance.

Usage Scenario: Optimizing the Loading Speed of Complex Layout

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: AndroidX Preference

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: To simplify the development of application setting interface.

Usage Scenario: Creating and Managing Preference Settings Interface for Applications

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: AndroidX Emoji AppCompat

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: to support the display and input of Emoji.

Usage scenario: enhancing the compatibility of applications with Emoji

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: AndroidX MultiDex

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: To support the application of more than 65,536 methods.

Usage scenario: solve the application compatibility problem with the number of methods exceeding the limit

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: AndroidX Media

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: Support multimedia playback and control.

Usage scenario: handling media playback, notification and device management.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: AndroidX ExifInterface

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: to read and write EXIF information of pictures.

Usage scenario: Manage the metadata of pictures, such as orientation and timestamp.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: AndroidX SQLite

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: to simplify the operation of SQLite database

Usage scenario: local storage data management

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: AndroidX Paging Runtime

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose of use: loading and paging data efficiently.

Usage scenario: handling paging loading of large data sets

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: AndroidX Core

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: to provide core functions and compatibility support.

Usage Scenario: Basic Function Support of Application Development

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: AndroidX VectorDrawable

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: Support the use of vector graphics resources.

Usage scenario: Optimize the usage and performance of graphic resources.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: Google Play Services AdsIdentifier

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: To obtain the advertisement identifier for advertisement tracking and analysis.

Usage scenario: statistics and management of advertising-related data

How to share: You may share advertising-related data with Google.

Personal information type: advertising identifier (non-personal information)

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: Firebase Crashlytics

SDK service provider name: Google Firebase

Purpose: To collect and analyze crash reports and optimize application performance.

Usage scenario: monitoring and diagnosing application crash problems

How to share: Data may be shared with Firebase service.

Personal information type: device information, crash log.

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: Firebase Analytics

SDK service provider name: Google Firebase

Purpose: Application usage behavior analysis and data collection.

Usage scenario: Analyze user behavior to optimize application design and function.

How to share: Data may be shared with Firebase service.

Personal information type: device information, application information, IP address.

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: Firebase Cloud Messaging

SDK service provider name: Google Firebase

Purpose: to provide push notification service.

Usage scenario: sending and receiving application notification messages

How to share: Data may be shared with Firebase service.

Personal information type: device information, application information, IP address.

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: Firebase BOM

SDK service provider name: Google Firebase

Purpose of use: Manage Firebase library versions to ensure compatibility.

Usage scenario: uniformly manage the versions of Firebase dependencies.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: Firebase Authentication

SDK service provider name: Google Firebase

Purpose of use: to provide user authentication service.

Usage scenario: Support multiple ways of user login and registration.

How to share: Data may be shared with Firebase service.

Personal information type: user authentication information

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: Material Components for Android

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: to realize Material Design components and styles.

Usage scenario: provide consistent design language and user experience for applications.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: ExoPlayer

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose of use: multimedia playing frame

Usage scenario: Support audio and video playback and streaming media functions.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: ExoPlayer Extension OkHttp

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: to expand the HTTP request capability of ExoPlayer.

Usage scenario: support network request of media files through OkHttp.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Name of the third party: Gson

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose of use: JSON data parsing and generation

Usage scenario: processing JSON data in an application

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: Google Play Services Authentication

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: to provide Google account login function.

Usage scenario: users log in to the application through Google account.

How to share: Data may be shared with Google services.

Personal information type: user authentication information

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: Flexbox Layout

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: to realize flexible layout management.

Usage scenario: Provide layout support similar to CSS Flexbox.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third Party Name: Guava

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: To provide advanced collection classes, functional programming support and tool libraries.

Usage scenario: enhancing the development efficiency of Java applications

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third Party Name: JSR-305 Annotations

Name of SDK service provider: FindBugs Project

Purpose: To provide annotation support for static code analysis.

Usage scenario: Mark potential problems in code to improve code quality.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: Google Play Billing Library

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: to realize Google Play in-house purchase function.

Usage scenario: dealing with the internal purchase payment process in the application

How to share: Data may be shared with Google services.

Personal information type: payment related information

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: Android Gradle Plugin

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: To build, compile and package Android applications.

Usage scenarios: development and construction processes for applications.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Name of the third party: Kotlin Standard Library

SDK service provider name: JetBrains

Purpose: to provide standard library support for Kotlin.

Usage scenario: the core functions needed for Kotlin development

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: Kotlin standard library JDK 8 extensions

SDK service provider name: JetBrains

Purpose: to provide Kotlin with extended support for JDK 8.

Usage scenario: enhancing the compatibility between Kotlin and Java 8.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: Kotlin Coroutines for Android

SDK service provider name: JetBrains

Purpose: To realize asynchronous programming support.

Usage scenario: dealing with asynchronous tasks and multithreading operations

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: Google Play Install Referer Library

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose of use: Tracking the source of application installation.

Usage scenario: Analyze application promotion and installation source data.

How to share: Data may be shared with Google services.

Personal information type: device identifier, installation source.

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: Protocol Buffers

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: to serialize and deserialize data efficiently.

Usage scenario: structured processing of data transmission and storage

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third Party Name: R8 Code Shrinker

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose of use: code compression, confusion and optimization

Usage scenario: reduce application size and improve operation efficiency.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: Google Services Plugin

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: to manage and integrate Google services

Usage scenario: adding Google service support to an application

How to share: Data may be shared with Google services.

Personal information type: device identifier and service configuration

Client: Android

Partner privacy policy link/official website link:

Name of the third party: Firebase Crashlytics Grad Le Plugin

Name of SDK service provider: Google

Purpose: to integrate the firebase crash analysis service.

Use scenario: monitoring and analyzing application crashes

How to share: Data may be shared with Google services.

Personal information type: device information, crash log.

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Name of the third party: Kotlin Gradle Plugin

SDK service provider name: JetBrains

Purpose: to support the Gradle construction of Kotlin project.

Usage scenario: providing Kotlin construction support for applications.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: Kotlin Android Extensions

SDK service provider name: JetBrains

Purpose: To provide support for view binding and serialization.

Usage scenario: Simplify Android project development

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: Ktor Client Core

SDK service provider name: JetBrains

Purpose: Client core library supporting HTTP network requests.

Usage scenario: building and sending HTTP requests

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: Ktor Client for Android

SDK service provider name: JetBrains

Purpose: Support HTTP network request of Android platform.

Usage scenario: building and sending HTTP requests

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Name of the third party: Ktor Content Negotiation

SDK service provider name: JetBrains

Purpose: Support serialization and deserialization of HTTP requests and responses.

Usage scenario: simplify the processing of data interaction

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: Ktor Client Logging

SDK service provider name: JetBrains

Purpose: to record and debug HTTP network requests.

Usage scenario: recording HTTP request data during development and debugging.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: rxjava

SDK service provider name: reaxc

Purpose: The responsive programming library is used to simplify asynchronous programming and event handling.

Usage scenario: used for handling asynchronous tasks, event streams and data binding in Android applications.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: rxandroid

SDK service provider name: reaxc

Purpose: The Android extension of RxJava simplifies the asynchronous operation on Android.

Usage scenario: used for handling UI threads and asynchronous operations in Android applications.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: rxjava2

SDK service provider name: reaxc

Purpose: The second edition of RxJava improves and extends RxJava 1.x

Usage scenario: used in Android applications to deal with asynchronous programming, event flow and data binding.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: rxandroid2

SDK service provider name: reaxc

Purpose: The Android extension of RxJava 2 simplifies the asynchronous operation on Android.

Usage scenario: used for handling UI threads and asynchronous operations in Android applications.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: rxbinding

SDK service provider name: Jake Wharton

Purpose of use: the binding between RxJava and Android UI control.

Usage scenario: used to bind the events of UI control with RxJava to realize responsive programming.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: okhttp

SDK service provider name: Square

Purpose: Used for HTTP client of Android, supporting HTTP/2 and WebSocket, etc.

Usage scenario: used for network request and response processing.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: okhttp3-integration

SDK service provider name: Square

Purpose: The integrated plug-in of OkHttp and Glide is used to load network pictures.

Usage scenario: used to load network pictures through OkHttp and show them in Glide.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: retrofit

SDK service provider name: Square

Purpose: HTTP client for processing REST API requests.

Usage scenario: used for API interaction with back-end server in Android application.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: adapter-rxjava

SDK service provider name: Square

Purpose of use: Retrofit's RxJava adapter is used to use RxJava in Retrofit.

Usage scenario: used to process asynchronous API requests and responses in Android applications.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: adapter-rxjava2

SDK service provider name: Square

Purpose of use: Retrofit's RxJava 2 adapter is used to use RxJava 2 in Retrofit.

Usage scenario: used to process asynchronous API requests and responses in Android applications.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Name of the third party: lottie

SDK service provider name: Airbnb

Purpose: To realize smooth JSON animation in Android applications.

Usage scene: used to display high-quality animation, especially in UI design.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: libpag

SDK service provider name: Tencent

Purpose: To provide an efficient animation rendering engine for displaying complex animation effects on the mobile side.

Usage scenario: used for rendering complex animations in Android applications, supporting the display of exquisite animation effects, etc.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: SVGAPlayer-Android

SDK service provider name: YYued

Purpose: used to play SVGA animation in Android.

Usage scene: used to play animation effects in the UI.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: SVGAGlidePlugin

Name of SDK service provider: Yves Cheung

Purpose of use: the integrated plug-in of SVGA animation and Glide.

Usage scene: used to load SVGA animation into Glide for display.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Name of the third party: glide

SDK service provider name: BumpTech

Purpose: Used for loading and caching images of Android.

Usage scenario: It is used to load, cache and display pictures efficiently, and supports GIF, WebP and other formats.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third Party Name: compiler

SDK service provider name: BumpTech

Purpose: Used as a plug-in to support code generated at compile time of Glide.

Usage scenario: Combine with Glide library to optimize the compilation process of image loading.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: webpdecoder

SDK service provider name: zjupure

Purpose: used to decode pictures in WebP format.

Usage scenario: It is used to decode pictures in WebP format in Android applications to improve the efficiency of picture loading.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: facebook-login

SDK service provider name: Facebook

Purpose: to provide Facebook login function.

Usage scenario: used to integrate Facebook login function in Android application.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: Yes (user's Facebook account information)

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: facebook-android-sdk

SDK service provider name: Facebook

Purpose: Facebook SDK, which is used to integrate Facebook's social functions.

Usage scenario: used to integrate Facebook social functions in Android applications, such as sharing and logging in.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: Yes (user's Facebook account information)

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: facebook-core

SDK service provider name: Facebook

Purpose: The core SDK of Facebook is used to handle the basic functions of Facebook services.

Usage scenario: used for accessing Facebook API in Android applications, authentication, social interaction, etc.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: Yes (user's Facebook account information)

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: linesdk

SDK service provider name: LINE Corporation

Purpose: To provide LINE SDK for integrating social and payment functions of LINE.

Usage scenario: It is used to integrate LINE social functions in Android applications, and support login, sharing and so on.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: Yes (user LINE account information)

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Name of the third party: fresco

SDK service provider name: Facebook

Purpose: It is used to load and display pictures efficiently, and supports progressive picture loading and other functions.

Usage scenario: used for loading and displaying pictures in Android applications.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Name of the third party: mmkv-static

SDK service provider name: Tencent

Purpose: It is used to efficiently store key-value pair data and support encryption.

Usage scenario: used for storing user data, configuration information, etc. in Android applications.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: wcdb-android

SDK service provider name: Tencent

Purpose: To provide a high-performance database operation framework and support multithreading and transactions.

Usage scenario: used for data storage and database operation in Android applications.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: room

SDK service provider name: Tencent

Purpose: To provide the encapsulation for the operation of the Room database and simplify the operation of the database.

Usage scenario: used for persistent data storage in Android applications.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Name of the third party: crashreport

SDK service provider name: Tencent

Purpose of use: to provide Bugly Crash reporting and analysis functions.

Usage scenario: used for crash reporting and problem diagnosis in Android applications.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: wechat-sdk-android-without-mta

SDK service provider name: Tencent

Purpose: It is used to integrate WeChat SDK in Android applications and support login, payment and other functions.

Usage scenario: used for WeChat login and payment functions in Android applications.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: androidasync

Name of SDK service provider: Koushik Dutta

Purpose: It is used for asynchronous operation in Android applications and simplifies multithreading.

Usage scenario: used to handle asynchronous tasks such as network request, file reading and writing.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Name of the third party: soloader

SDK service provider name: Facebook

Purpose: It is used to load local shared libraries and simplify the loading process of local libraries.

Usage scenario: used to load and manage local shared libraries in Android applications.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: refresh-layout-kernel

SDK service provider name: Smart

Purpose: Used for the pull-down refresh and pull-up load functions in Android applications.

Usage scenario: used to achieve pull-down refresh and pull-up loading effects and improve user experience.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: refresh-header-classics

SDK service provider name: Smart

Purpose of use: to provide a classic refresh header component for SmartRefreshLayout.

Usage scene: used to customize the head style in the drop-down refresh effect.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: refresh-footer-classics

SDK service provider name: Smart

Purpose: To provide a classic loading bottom component for SmartRefreshLayout.

Usage scene: used to customize the bottom style in the pull-up loading effect.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third Party Name: library

Name of SDK service provider: Meituan

Purpose: Used for Walle multi-channel packaging function in Android applications.

Usage scenario: It is used to deal with APK multi-channel packaging and improve the efficiency of version management.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: eventbus

SDK service provider name: GreenRobot

Purpose: Used in the event bus mechanism in Android to simplify the communication between components.

Usage scenario: used for cross-component messaging to simplify the application architecture.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: tinypinyin

SDK service provider name: Promeg

Purpose: To provide Chinese Pinyin conversion function.

Usage scenario: it is used to convert Chinese text into pinyin, which is convenient for searching, sorting and other applications.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: rotate3D

SDK service provider name: JZP

Purpose: to provide 3D rotation effect.

Usage scene: used to add 3D rotation effect to the elements in the application and enhance the visual experience.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: easyat

SDK service provider name: IYao

Purpose: To provide simple layout management tools and optimize the development efficiency of Android interface.

Usage scenario: used for quick layout and interface management, simplifying the code amount.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: XPopup

Name of SDK service provider: Li Xiaojun

Purpose: to provide highly customized pop-up components.

Usage scenario: used for pop-up display in Android applications, supporting rich styles and functions.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: adjust-android

SDK service provider name: Adjust

Purpose: Used for advertising tracking and user behavior analysis in Android applications.

Usage scenario: used to track advertising effects, user activities and conduct accurate marketing analysis.

Sharing mode: closed source

Personal information type: Yes (user advertising behavior data)

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: adjust-android-webbridge

SDK service provider name: Adjust

Purpose: to provide Webbridge support and connect the Adjust SDK on the Web and Android.

Usage scenario: used to share data and track user behavior between the Web and the mobile terminal.

Sharing mode: closed source

Personal information type: Yes (user advertising behavior data)

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: BaseRecyclerViewAdapterHelper

SDK service provider name: CymChad

Purpose: To simplify the adapter implementation of RecyclerView and improve the development efficiency.

Usage scenario: the RecyclerView adapter used in Android applications is implemented to simplify the code.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: push

SDK service provider name: Huawei

Purpose: Used for push service on Huawei devices.

Usage scenario: used to realize push notification function in Android application.

Sharing mode: closed source

Personal information types: application information and equipment information (hardware information of equipment, basic system information and system settings).

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: push

SDK service provider name: Honor

Purpose of use: used for push service on Honor devices.

Usage scenario: used to realize push notification function in Android application.

Sharing mode: closed source

Personal information type: equipment information

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: codelocator-core

SDK service provider name: ByteDance

Purpose: It is used to locate and analyze problems in code and improve debugging efficiency.

Usage scenario: used to debug and locate code problems in Android applications.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Name of the third party: MagicIndicator

SDK service provider name: Hackware

Purpose: To provide various types of indicator controls.

Usage scenario: indicator component for navigation, paging and other scenarios in Android applications.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: LyricsView

SDK service provider name: Agora

Purpose of use: to provide a lyric display component.

Usage scenario: music player used in Android application, displaying lyrics.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link: [

Third party name: flow-layout

SDK service provider name: Nex3z

Purpose: To provide a streaming layout manager and support dynamic streaming layout.

Usage scenario: used for dynamic content arrangement in Android applications, such as streaming arrangement of labels, pictures and other elements.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: isoparser

SDK service provider name: MP4Parser

Purpose: Used for parsing MP4 format video files.

Usage scenario: used for parsing and operating video files in Android applications.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: SudMGP-lite

SDK service provider name: Sud

Purpose: To provide a multi-functional SDK to support performance monitoring and debugging of applications.

Usage scenario: used for performance optimization, debugging and monitoring of Android applications.

Sharing mode: closed source

Personal information type: network identification information and content information (audio, device identification, App version, bundle ID); Signal strength information, network type; User ID, usage duration, name, nickname and log set in the channel; Language setting information. Please refer to Articles 2.6 and 2.7 of the Partner's Privacy Policy below for details.

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: relinker

SDK service provider name: KeptSafe

Purpose: It is used to manage the loading of dynamic libraries and solve the loading problem of shared libraries on Android devices.

Usage scenario: used to solve the problem of loading dynamic libraries on different devices and ensure the stability of applications.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: gravitysnaphelper

SDK service provider name: Rubensousa

Purpose: to provide GravitySnapHelper to help with the scrolling operation of RecyclerView.

Usage scenario: used for RecyclerView to realize automatic scrolling and adsorption effect.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: payload_reader

Name of SDK service provider: Meituan

Usage: used to parse and read the payload information of application package.

Usage scenario: used for Android Application packaging and information processing, especially for processing encrypted content when app is reinforced and packaged.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: payload_writer

Name of SDK service provider: Meituan

Usage: used to write payload information of application package.

Usage scenario: used in the process of reinforcement, encryption and packaging of Android applications, and writing payload data.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: plugin

Name of SDK service provider: Meituan

Purpose: Used for plug-in development and supporting dynamic loading of plug-ins.

Usage scenario: a plug-in framework for Android applications, which is convenient for dynamic expansion of functions.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: ToastUtils

SDK service provider name: GetActivity

Purpose: To provide convenient Toast tool classes and simplify the use of Toast.

Usage scenario: Toast tips used in Android applications to enhance the user experience.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: commons-io

SDK service provider name: Apache

Purpose: To provide common IO operation tool classes.

Usage scenario: used for file operation and input/output processing in Android applications.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: alicloud-httpdns

Name of SDK service provider: Umeng

Purpose: To provide HTTP DNS service in Alibaba Cloud and improve DNS resolution efficiency.

Usage scenario: used for network request optimization of Android applications to improve DNS resolution speed.

Sharing mode: closed source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Name of the third party: alicloud-utils

Name of SDK service provider: Umeng

Purpose: To provide some tools in Alibaba Cloud to support network and performance optimization of applications.

Usage scenario: used for network request and performance optimization in Android applications.

Sharing mode: closed source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: alicloud_beacon

Name of SDK service provider: Umeng

Purpose: To provide Beacon service in Alibaba Cloud and support operations related to equipment location and beacon.

Usage scenario: used for Bluetooth positioning and beacon operation in Android applications.

Sharing mode: closed source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Name of the third party: share-wx

Name of SDK service provider: Umeng

Purpose of use: SDK providing WeChat sharing function.

Usage scenario: used for WeChat sharing function in Android applications.

Sharing mode: closed source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: imagezoom

Name of SDK service provider: Sephiroth

Purpose: to achieve the zoom effect of the picture.

Usage scenario: used in Android applications to realize image viewing and zooming functions.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: android-gif-drawable

SDK service provider name: Droidsonroids

Purpose: To support the display of GIF animation in Android applications.

Usage scenario: used for displaying GIF images in Android applications.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: agora-special-full

SDK service provider name: Agora

Purpose: To provide a full-featured real-time audio and video SDK and support audio and video calls.

Usage scenario: used for real-time audio and video calls and interactions in Android applications.

Sharing mode: closed source

Personal information type: Yes (audio and video call data)

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: fastjson

SDK service provider name: Alibaba

Purpose: To provide an efficient JSON parsing and generating tool.

Usage scenario: used for parsing and generating JSON data in Android applications.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Name of the third party: otto

SDK service provider name: Square

Purpose: To provide a lightweight event bus framework.

Usage scenario: used for event passing and decoupling in Android applications.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: leakcanary-android

SDK service provider name: Square

Purpose: Used for memory leak detection in Android applications.

Usage scenario: used to detect and repair memory leaks in Android applications.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: asm

SDK service provider name: OW2

Usage: Used for bytecode analysis and modification.

Usage scenario: used for bytecode analysis and dynamic modification in Android applications.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: asm-commons

SDK service provider name: OW2

Purpose: to provide common functions of ASM library.

Usage scenario: used for bytecode processing and modification in Android applications.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: utilcodex

SDK service provider name: Blankj

Purpose: To provide common tool class libraries and simplify common tasks in Android development.

Usage scenario: used to realize various common functions in Android application development, such as string, collection, network, UI and other tools.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: dokitx

SDK service provider name: Didi

Purpose: To provide a set of multifunctional development tools to support debugging and optimization in the development process.

Usage scenario: used for debugging tools in Android application development, such as performance monitoring, interface debugging and other functions.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: debug-db

SDK service provider name: Amitshekhar

Purpose: To provide tools for database debugging in Android applications.

Usage scenario: It is used to view and debug database contents during development, and quickly locate and solve database-related problems.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: sqlite-jdbc

SDK service provider name: Xerial

Purpose: To provide JDBC driver for SQLite database, which is convenient to interact with the database.

Usage scenario: used in Android applications, especially those that need to interact with the local SQLite database.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Name of third party: kace-gradle-plugin

SDK service provider name: Kace

Purpose: To provide a Gradle plug-in for the construction and optimization of Android projects.

Usage scenario: used for automatic construction and optimization of Android projects to improve construction efficiency.

Sharing mode: open source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Name of the third party: agcp

SDK service provider name: Huawei

Purpose: To provide the application service platform SDK of Huawei Cloud and support the cloud service function of the application.

Usage scenario: used for cloud service access in Android applications, supporting the integration of applications and Huawei Cloud.

Sharing mode: closed source

Personal information type: None

Client: Android

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

List of iOS Third-Party SDK

SDK name: "AgoraRtcEngine_iOS" SDK

Name of service provider: made by Shanghai Zhaoluo Technology Co., Ltd.: Realizing video function.

Scene: when users send audio, video and other video functions, make.

Shared: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained through API of logic adjustment system.

Information types: device information (device type, device model, CPU information, battery power information, operating system information), network information (IP, network type), device identifier, MAC address, WLAN contact, receiving and sending user ID, user attributes, channel information, time, name set in the channel, logo, word frequency sent or other contents.

Client: iOS

Cooperative Privacy Policy Link/Official Link:

SDK name: "Bugly”SDK

Name of service provider: Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd.

Purpose: to detect the stability of the APP, diagnose the failure and report the crash, and help users quickly solve the abnormal situation. Scenario: when the APP fails and crashes, diagnose and report it.

Shared: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained through API of logic adjustment system.

Information types: blog information (including third developer definition blog, logcat blog and APP crash stack information), device ID, link information, system name, system version and country code.

Client: iOS

Cooperative Privacy Policy Link/Official Link:

SDK Name: "AliyunOSSiOS" SDK

Name of service provider: A Cloud Computing Co., Ltd., made by Zhejiang Ababa Cloud Computing Co., Ltd.: First-piece storage function.

Make the scene: make it when uploading at home.

Shared: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained through API of logic adjustment system.

Information types: device identifier (device model, operating system version, device settings, MAC address and software and hardware characteristic information such as IMEI, IDFA, OAID and other device identifiers), device location (IP address, GPS location and sensor information such as Wi-Fi contacts, blue and base stations that can provide relevant information), device identifier, access network, camera access, storage, file reading and writing.

Client: iOS

Cooperative Privacy Policy Link/Official Link:

Third party name: "Google Sign in" SDK

Name of service provider: Google

Purpose of use: use Google to log in

Usage scenario: Provide a third-party login mode on the login page.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third Party Name: "FBSDKLoginKit” SDK

Name of service provider: Facebook

Purpose of use: login with Facobook

Usage scenario: Provide a third-party login mode on the login page.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: "LineSDKSwift ”SDK

Name of service provider: Line

Purpose of use: Log in with Line.

Usage scenario: Provide a third-party login mode on the login page.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: "Adjust” SDK

Name of service provider: Adjust

Purpose of use: data analysis

Usage scenario: used when users use the App.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: equipment information

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: SUD GIP (including SudMGP_Lite)

Service Provider Name: SUd Technology

Purpose of use: Provide mini-game play to extend users' social scene

Usage Scenario: Use small game template in the room

Sharing method: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the system's API through its own logic.

Personal information type: network identification information and content information (audio, device identification, App version, BundleId); signal strength information, network type; user ID of the sending and receiving end, hours of use, name, nickname, logs set in the channel; language setting information. For details, please refer to Article 2.6 and Article 2.7 in the partner's privacy policy below.

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: "Lottie-iOS" SDK

Name of service provider: open source framework

Purpose: to realize the basic development of iOS.

Usage scenario: used when users use the App.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: "SVGAPlayer”SDK

Name of service provider: open source framework

Purpose: Lightweight animation renderer

Usage scene: when playing svga type animation

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: "libpag”SDK

Name of service provider: open source framework

Purpose: Lightweight animation renderer

Usage scene: When playing pag animation.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: "SDWebImage”SDK

Name of service provider: open source framework

Purpose: Lightweight remote image loading tool

Usage scenario: remote image loading

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: "SocketRocket”SDK

Name of service provider: Meta Incubator

Purpose of use: basic development of iOS

Usage scenario: used when users use the App.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: "AFNetworking“ SDK

Name of service provider: open source framework

Purpose of use: basic development of iOS

Usage scenario: used when users use the App.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: "Toast“ SDK

Name of service provider: open source framework

Purpose of use: basic development of iOS

Usage scenario: used when users use the App.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: "SVProgressHUD“ SDK

Name of service provider: open source framework

Purpose of use: basic development of iOS

Usage scenario: used when users use the App.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: "SnapKit“ SDK

Name of service provider: open source framework

Purpose of use: basic development of iOS

Usage scenario: for UI control layout

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: "IQKeyboardManager” SDK

Name of service provider: open source framework

Purpose of use: basic development of iOS

Usage scenario: used to manage the keyboard

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: "FMDB” SDK

Name of service provider: open source framework

Purpose of use: basic development of iOS

Usage scenario: used to store IM messages locally.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: "FirebaseAnalytics” SDK

Name of service provider: open source framework

Purpose of use: basic development of iOS

Usage scenario: used to store IM messages locally.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: "Firebase” SDK

Name of service provider: Google Open Source Framework

Purpose: To realize the basic development of Android.

Usage scenario: used when users use the App.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: "Firebase-analytics” SDK

Name of service provider: Google Open Source Framework

Purpose of use: data analysis

Usage scenario: used when users use the App.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: equipment information, application information.

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: "MJRefresh” SDK

Name of service provider: open source framework

Purpose of use: basic development of iOS

Usage scenario: used for list UI refresh

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: "NSLogger” SDK

Name of service provider: open source framework

Purpose of use: iOS crash log troubleshooting

Usage scenario: used for writing the crash log of app, which is convenient for troubleshooting.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: "AvoidCrash” SDK

Name of service provider: open source framework

Purpose of use: iOS abnormal crash protection

Usage scenario: used for app abnormal crash protection

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: "YYCache” SDK

Name of service provider: open source framework

Purpose of use: basic development of iOS

Usage scenario: used for app data storage

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third Party Name: "YYModel” SDK

Name of service provider: open source framework

Purpose of use: basic development of iOS

Usage scenario: used for app data model transformation

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third Party Name: "YYImage” SDK

Name of service provider: open source framework

Purpose of use: basic development of iOS

Usage scenario: used for dynamic picture display of app.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: "YYWebImage” SDK

Name of service provider: open source framework

Purpose of use: basic development of iOS

Usage scenario: used for app webp picture display.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third Party Name: "YYText” SDK

Name of service provider: open source framework

Purpose of use: basic development of iOS

Usage scenario: used for rich text display of app.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third Party Name: "MarqueeLabel” SDK

Name of service provider: open source framework

Purpose of use: basic development of iOS

Usage scenario: used for the text display of app marquee.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: "DACircularProgress” SDK

Name of service provider: open source framework

Purpose of use: basic development of iOS

Usage scenario: used for UI display of app progress bar.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: "SSZipArchive” SDK

Name of service provider: open source framework

Purpose of use: basic development of iOS

Usage scenario: used for data decompression of app zip

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: "UICKeyChainStore” SDK

Name of service provider: open source framework

Purpose of use: basic development of iOS

Usage scenario: used for app data keychain storage.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: "Reachability” SDK

Name of service provider: open source framework

Purpose of use: basic development of iOS

Usage scenario: used for monitoring app network conditions.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: "CocoaAsyncSocket” SDK

Name of service provider: open source framework

Purpose of use: basic development of iOS

Usage scenario: used for app socket data communication

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third Party Name: "Masonry” SDK

Name of service provider: open source framework

Purpose of use: basic development of iOS

Usage scenario: for app UI layout

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third Party Name: "GCDWebServer” SDK

Name of service provider: open source framework

Purpose of use: basic development of iOS

Usage scenario: used for app to upload local music.

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third party name: "MMVK” SDK

Name of service provider: open source framework

Purpose of use: basic development of iOS

Usage scenario: used for reading and writing app data

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link:

Third Party Name: "MJExtension” SDK

Name of service provider: open source framework

Purpose of use: basic development of iOS

Usage scenario: used for app data parsing

Sharing mode: APP initializes SDK, which is obtained by calling the API of the system logically.

Personal information type: None

Client: iOS

Partner Privacy Policy Link/official website Link: